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Showing 34 local businesses in Brentwood Bay




Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: None

Phone: 778.401.5298


Vancouver Island K9 Consulting | Vancouver Island K9 Consulting

Vancouver Island K9 Consulting is a business that offers personalized training options for dogs. They focus on the well-being of both dogs and humans, and aim to educate and train people to ensure they can meet the needs of their furry friends. The business also provides bathing services for dogs and a variety of other pet care services. Their goal is to be…

Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 250-888-2005


CAREERS | seahorses

Seahorses Cafe is a locally owned and family operated restaurant located directly on the water in Brentwood Bay, BC. It has been serving delicious food, craft beers, and tasty drinks for approximately 30 years before becoming a dining establishment. The cafe is known for its stunning views of wildlife, including seals, jellyfish, crabs, birds, killer whales…

Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 250-544-1565,250-544-1565,250-544-1565


Habitat Gardencare

{'title': 'About Us', 'description': 'We are a business that provides garden and lawn maintenance services on the Saanich Peninsula, BC.', 'type': 'string'}

Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 250-896-4252,250.896.4252


Home | Capital City Recycling in BC and CRD

{'title': 'Introhistory', 'description': 'Text introducing the business, community focus and its history.', 'type': 'string'}

Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (250)652-5008,(250) 652-5008


The Butchart Gardens – Over 100 Years in Bloom – Victoria, Canada

The Butchart Gardens Is A 120-Year-Old World Famous 55-Acre Display Garden Located In Brentwood Bay, British Columbia. Created By Jennie Butchart, And Still Privately Owned And Operated By The Family, The Gardens Were Designated A National Historic Site Of Canada, In 2004 For Its One Hundredth Birthday. Today, The Gardens Are Open Year-Round And Offer A Var…

Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: None

Phone: ["250.652.4422", "250.652.4422", "866.652.4422"]




Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: None

Phone: 250-652-6111,250-652-6111 7185




Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 (778) 351-3211,+1 (778) 351-3211,+1 (778) 351-3211




Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: None

Phone: None




Industry: None, Trade: None

Email: None

Phone: 250-652-5222,250-652-5222,250 652 5222